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At a Glance

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Upazila Shishu Officer's office
Fulpur, Mymensingh

At a glance, information related to primary education in Fulpur upazila

1. Information related to educational institutions
A) Government Primary School: 67
B. Nawab Government Primary School 47
C) Establishment of 1500 schools: 03 will be held, 01 under process
D) Kindergarten School: 34
E) NGO operated schools: 122
F) Ananda School: 123

2. Information on Manpower:
Name of the posting is allowed in terms of vacant posts
1 Upazila Shishu Officer 1 1 -
2 Assistant Upazila Shishu Officer 9 9 -
3 high quality assistant 1 1 -
4 Office Assistant Cam Com: OP 3 3 -
5 Accounts Assistant 1 - 1
6 Office Assistants 1 1 -
7 Chief Shi'a 117 90 27
8 Assistant Sheet 627 556 71
9 Ward Off Night Watchman 67 45 22

3. Students Information:
Class students admitted
The boys' total of the boys
Pre-primary 3775 3890 7665
1st 7602 8025 15627
2nd 6885 7015 13900
3rd 7215 7812 15027
4th 5837 5876 11713
5th 4205 4510 8715
Total = 35519 37128 76464

4. Contact Information:
A) Number of the trained officers: 3
B) Number of Head Master's Questions: 90
C) Number of Assistant Assistant Teachers: 452
D) Number of Assistant Assistant Teachers: 104

5. The entire work that is being implemented through the project is:
A) Stipend activities: Strict action is going on in 110 schools. Total Beneficiary Student 33229 Total allocation for the year 2015-2016 is 34708125 / -. The amount of money required: 33706125 / -.
Total Distributed Meaning: 32973900 / - Total surplus is 17342225 / -

B) School feeding activities: Schools feeding activities are in 117 schools. Each of the government-run students is distributed every day to each 1 biscuit packet. There is a process to ensure the Tiffin box in every school for keeping the cookies.

C) Anand School: 50 in 2013 and 80 Ananda schools were established in this upazila. Currently there are a total of 123 Ananda schools. The number of students studying in Ananda School is 3677.

D) English in Action (EIA): English in Action is in progress in 32 schools. This year, in the process of starting the program in more than 24 schools. The children are taught English by conducting the study of English subjects through the sound system through the encouragement of the children to learn English in an enjoyable environment.

6. Infrastructure related information: 115 schools have structured buildings. There are tinced houses in 2 schools. Building in 8 schools is very risky. The number of buildings in the dilapidated school is 59. There are 44 schools in which there are washing blocks.

7. Initial Education Conceptual Information (last 3 years):
Practical scholarships passed by scholarships for the students of next year
2013 11547 10424 98.48
2014 5861 5303 97.68
2015 6387 5948 98.28
8. ICT related information: Laptops have been provided in 7 schools. Multimedia has been provided in 4 schools. 21 students of ICT examinations